George Clooney photos

George Clooney photos

George Clooney photos

Best action movies ever has been a fan of George Clooney even when he went through his I want to be left alone by the press, but then suddenly came back into their scopes when he realize that if he wanted to sell his product, he had to do it. We've loved everything from the Ocean's 11, 12 (not so much), 13, Perfect Storm, even his early days on Roseanne, but best action movies ever is hoping that the George Clooney we love isn't just taking some payday jobs or hoping to expand his audience with more action adventure types. If he wants to do that, he should take some notes from Matt Damon who surprised everyone and overtook his 'writing partner' Ben Affleck in this genre. Now those two seem to be better off separated, especially after William Goldman spilled the beans that it was actually he who wrote Goodwill Hunting that we all loved so much and not the twosome who took all the credit for it.